Top 5 Free Apps for Personal Trainers

Personal training can be a tough job to see income from when you just start- that’s why minimizing your costs on training apps is important.

Now, obviously, once the income comes in and you start to build a good reputation, you might be able to transition over to some paid, higher-end software. But, just because an app is free doesn’t mean it’s bad- oftentimes it just has fewer features.

So, let’s covert the best 5 free apps for personal trainers to ensure your clients are getting a good service while still keeping your finances in check.

Here’s a quick glance at our list, but we will cover all of them in-depth below!

  • #1 – EverFit
  • #2 – WeStrive
  • #3 – Trainerize
  • #4 – LegitFit
  • #5 –

#1 – EverFit

EverFit has to be hands down the best free app for personal trainers out there. It lets you start off by training 5 clients free of charge- that is a great way to let you get your feet on the ground and start making money even if you don’t have any yet.

5 Free Apps for Personal Trainers
5 Free Apps for Personal Trainers

Besides the fact that you can train 5 clients for free, their app is amazing. It has a drag and drop ‘block builder’ almost that lets you create workout plans for your clients within seconds.

As a personal trainer, you already know all of the exercises and moves- so what’s the point in rewriting them for every client? EverFit lets you just drag the exercises into their plan without any hassle.

Furthermore, the app lets you have your own branding, logo, and personalized videos. That way the client doesn’t feel like they are just on any app, they feel like they are truly connecting with you.

Plus, the whole UI and design of EverFit is amazing. It’s super modern- especially the nutrition section. When you set up nutrition goals for your clients, it easily shows them how close they are to meeting those goals.

Take a look at this amazing UI!

EverFit UI

Quite literally the client has everything color coded for them in a simple and easy-to-understand matter.

Aside from the great pricing, especially having 5 clients a month you can train for free- it’s a great program overall.

Deciding to continue with EverFit? They only charge you about $2-3 a client/month- that’s insane. For 30 clients you’ll only be paying around $70 a month.

When you consider how much clients will pay you- especially when you build your personal training reputation up- this is nothing compared to the money you’ll make.

And again, this app looks very professional and has a ton of other great tools I haven’t even mentioned.


  • 5 users free, only about $2-3/client per month.
  • Fantastic UI and interface
  • Easy block system where you can drag/drop client workouts and nutrition plans


  • They aren’t too clear if the payment system is managed through the app, they do have a $9/month add on where they say they add recurring subscriptions and other things.
    • This is just something to note, they may not offer the financial/billing stuff you’re looking for. This isn’t necessarily a good or bad thing, as many clients pay directly in cash or through other means- but it’s something to note.

#2 – WeStrive

WeStrive takes second on this list for the best free apps for personal trainers.

It’s a really solid app all around. It has a super modern design and interface similar to EverFit, and has a few notable differences.

Firstly, WeStrive boasts that they have the biggest catalog of exercises with over 1,000+ in the library you can choose from for your clients- which saves you valuable time explaining things on your own.

But, probably the thing that may make it more appealing than EverFit is that it has integrated payments via Stripe. This means you don’t have to go out of your way to get money through PayPal or cash. This is much better for a personal trainer that is doing online only coaching as it allows you to charge through the platform.

WeThrive, one of the best free apps for personal trainers.
WeThrive, one of the best free apps for personal trainers.

WeStrive also lets you customize your branding, edit your pages, et cetera. It’s a great program all around.

The only reason it is #2 on the list instead of #1 is because it only lets you have one client at a time for free, and charges about $2 for every client afterwards, scaling down. So, the more clients you have, the less you pay per month.

So, while EverFit and WeStrive are very similar- EverFit allows you to get away with a little more clients per month without a fee. However, I’d argue that once you get your first client, that should be more than enough to cover any app you are using to train them.

I do like that the payments are integrated in WeStrive with Stripe- which is basically accepted everywhere.

Regardless of your choice, both apps are phenomenal for the personal trainer. But, if you aren’t sure if you will be making a profit for the first few clients- you may want to consider EverFit, and a new business strategy.


  • Payments handled in app with Stripe, accepted basically everywhere.
  • Boasts biggest workout library.
  • Fantasic UI and interface.


  • Only lets you have 1 client at a time without paying.

#3 – Trainerize

Trainerize is one of the best free apps for personal trainers because while it also takes great care of your clients, it also does a great job at being the same app you can run your business through.

While the above apps, EverFit and WeStrive were phenomenal at their design and client experience- they really lacked much when it came down to actually running and managing your personal training business.

Now, I’ll be honest- I’m a big fan of user experience first and managing your business through a different portal. But, for some people that’s not practical.

For example, if you’re a personal trainer who travels a lot or you’re never home to sit home and do all the business work- this may act as a better solution for you.

Trainerize, one of the best free apps for personal trainers.
Trainerize, one of the best free apps for personal trainers.

And that’s not to say the user interface is bad. While it certainly is behind compared to EverFit and WeStrive, it isn’t that far behind.

It still has great workout libraries, great portals, great charts and graphs for your clients to follow, et cetera.

The price plan also is bit of a contingency as you can only have 1 client at a time for free, and each client after that is around $3 on average- scaling down as you increase your clientbase.

But again, that may be worth it depending on what you need. It easily plugs in and handles payments for you, client files, and more for business management. If you’re looking for an all-in-one app, trainerize is likely for you.

I will say, one of the things I really did like was that it had a large focus on tracking client progress photos and stats like body fat %. I think those things are HUGE when you are training someone to remind them of their progress and see where they are really going.

(As we all know, the scale can say we went up 2 pounds, but realistically it’s just water weight and the client has lost a lot of fat- but they don’t know this. Having these tools is a great way to show them that progress on paper)


  • More business management options.
  • Payments, etc all handled in app.
  • Still good interface for clients.


  • Interface isn’t bad, but in comparison to WeThrive and EverFit it is not as modern or updated.
  • Pricier, can only have 1 person/free.

#4 – LegitFit (Best for face-to-face/class trainers)

LegitFit is a little different than the other apps on this list. It’s one of the best free apps for personal trainers that enjoy face-to-face/class trainers.

It doesn’t really have the features for training clients online or sending them things over the web. But it’s great for doing online classes via video call or setting up in-person events. It’s a great app for scheduling and managing your personal trainer business if you’re more of an ‘involved trainer’ and don’t prefer just sending over routines or schedules.

This is great for trainers that do things like group workouts, group yoga, or even just 1 on 1 training.

A great part of LegitFit is that it also has payments built in. So, your online class, schedule, and payments are all handled through the app.

LegitFit, one of the best free apps for personal trainers.

While it certainly doesn’t have too many features- this is often more than enough for a trainer that prefers in-person training.

The pricing model is also really confusing. They have a free plan, but it gets very pricey depending on your client base- which makes this app one of the more expensive on this list.

This may not matter however depending on your teaching. If you are doing group class teaching the fee will probably be nominal as you often have 15-20 people in a group class. However, it’s something to keep in mind.


  • Great for personal trainers that prefer training in-person or 1 on 1 with video calling.
  • Payment feature built in.
  • Great professional video training app for individual or group classes.


  • Some people argue that Zoom may just be more effective- despite not having any of the payment or other features.

#5 – is another one of the best free apps for personal trainers.

It has a lot of great features like drag and drop workout building, and they say that their workouts are all backed by science.

ScienceTraining has a great UI, and sets itself apart from the market by offering different workouts depending on training intensity, rest, goals met/not met, and even lets people declare injury or change workouts depending on other events going on in their life (stress, fatigue, etc).

I really support the team at ScienceTraining adding a lot of data points and interchangeable workout plans depending on rest, intensity, et cetera. I think it’s good for the future of fitness training., one of the best free apps for personal trainers.

The drawback is that the app is only free for 1 person being trained at a time- which is different than most apps on this list boasting sometimes up to 5 free users. Furthermore, the price is $15/month + $1 month/per athlete. This marks the app as one of the most expensive on the list.

If you really like their newer features and data input sites, the app may be worth the money for you. But, some trainers may not use all of those features. For instance, if you’re a trainer for in-person classes, many of the features may not be that important for you.

However, if you are solely an online-only trainer, this may be the perfect app for you.


  • Science and Evidence-based app.


  • Priciest on this list.

Conclusion of 5 Free Apps for Personal Trainers

So, there you have it. The best 5 free apps for personal trainers.

It was actually kind of hard makign this article, and it took a ton of research. I know it isn’t easy, as there aren’t even that many apps for personal trainers- but I hope this research guided you in the right way.

Please let me know if you have another app for recommendation and I will add it to this list!

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