11 Most Powerful Weight Loss Tips From Health Experts

Well, it’s February- you know what means, summer is coming!

After that long dirty bulk you just did, you might want to start losing some weight so you can have that shredded 8 pack on the beach in just a few months.

We ALL know that losing weight just sucks, there’s no way around it. But, I figured I’d reach out to some of the biggest health experts in the industry right now and see if they had any advice for us to help make the process a little easier.

I’m glad to say they have prepared 11 of the most powerful weight loss tips to help you lose that fat and get in shape fast.

Let’s get to it!

Hide Junk Food and Meal Prep (while watching TV)! – Meghan Kennihan

Meghan Kennihan of www.trainwithmeghan.com has an excellent idea that I’ve used personally to help lose weight, and it’s pretty simple.

First, hide the junk food! Secondly, meal prep while watching your favorite TV show! (This is actually a great idea, and she explains why below!)

“Since many of us are still at home due to COVID here are my top two tips:

1) Set your environment up for success.

If you have to have junk food or unhealthy selection in your house because of kids or an uncooperative partner, make it hard to find.

Hide the junk food in the back of the cabinets and refrigerator and make sure the healthy selections are out on the counter or front and center when you feel the need to snack.

2) Meal Prep through Temptation Bundling.

Let’s face it, meal prep sucks but make it fun by “bundling” it with something you enjoy like your favorite podcast or Netflix show.

Once a week on during your “meal prep” time is when you get to watch that show or listen to that music. Prep all the vegetables and proteins so they are easy to grab when you need. Make large healthy crockpot meals and casseroles for lunches and dinners so all you need to do is heat them up!”

Fasting and The Ancient Tibetan Rites – Hannah Faulkner

Hannah Faulkner recommends fasting, intermittent fasting, and the Five Ancient Tibetan Rites which focuses on relaxing your body and grounding yourself.

Here’s what Hannah had to say:

In addition to plenty of water, sleep, and yoga, I practice fasting to strike an important balance in my relationship with mind, body, and spirit.

Currently, I do a 24-hour weekly fast, but intermittent fasting has also worked for me in the past. I choose a day off from work and to keep my mind off food, I walk and run in nature, practice deep breathing meditations and yoga, and create something.

When I practice daily intermittent fasting (only eating between certain hours of each day, usually 11am-5pm), one of my favorite sets of morning exercises are the Five Ancient Tibetan Rites.

These practices are perfect for keeping the body in shape and energized, in a busy society, with limited time and space. They can be completed in a short ten to fifteen minutes. Each of the Five Rites is associated with one of the elements: earth, air, fire, water, and space.

The first rite is spinning with the element of space. The second involves lifting limbs into the air. The third creates supple movements in the spine like water waves. The fourth strengthens the back by lifting the hips then grounding to the earth and the fifth builds internal core heat like fire through moving between Downward Facing Dog and Upward Facing Dog.

Trust Science – Ted Kallmyer

Ted Kallmyer says it’s best to trust science at the end of the day, and just stick to following TDEE.

As we all know, a guaranteed way to lose weight is to eat under the calories you burn everyday, as this will cause your body to burn fat to make up that energy. He says it is best to just stick to science, here’s what he has to say.

While it can be tempting for bodybuilders who want to drop fat to use quick fixes and crash diets, in the long run, it’s best to use a scientific approach.

You want to reduce your caloric intake to cause fat loss but you don’t want to be so drastic that you start to lose the muscle tissue you worked so hard to build.

The time, the money spent on food and supplements, and gym memberships make all that muscle too valuable to just throw it away on some crash diet.

Therefore, focus on establishing your personal TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) and then deduct no more than 20 percent for safe fat loss. Also, pay attention to your macros during the process.

Keep your protein at adequate levels and don’t be afraid to eat those carbs. When you lose weight by scientifically calculating your energy needs you can enjoy foods from all macro groups because it’s about energy balance and not about eating one particular food or another.

Be patient with the process, any diet that causes you to lose more than 1-2 pounds per week is too severe and will cause muscle loss as well as fat loss.

Here’s a great online calculator that can help you calculate everything the right way. https://healthyeater.com/flexible-dieting-calculator

Avoid Inflammation and Watch the Carbs! – Heather Donahue

Heather Donahue provided one of those tips I don’t think many people realize: your body may be reacting to food you’re eating in a negative way, causing you to feel sick and put on more weight. Also, watch the carbs! Here’s what Heather said:

Eating foods that our body is not able to digest properly ends up keeping the weight on!

Unfortunately, it can be hard to figure out what foods are causing the sensitivity since we tend to eat them over and over again.

When our immune system is constantly fighting the food we cannot digest properly, inflammation sets in and so does the weight gain.

Taking a simple, at-home test, can inform you about which of 96 foods you might need to cut out of your routine for at least 60 days. Doing so will help your body heal.

Then you can have the food once or twice a month without catastrophic results. One company to check out online is Everly Well.

Watch the Carbs! I am not a fan of Keto but I believe in carbohydrate restrictions, especially as we get older.

I am a fan of eating a moderate amount of complex carbohydrates for weight loss and maintenance. A moderate and manageable amount of carbs to eat every day is 100 grams. This helps avoid strict deprivation.

It also helps put healthy grains (like Kodiak Cakes, the healthiest and tasiest pancakes!) and legumes into perspective. Most of us eat way more healthy grains at a single serving, which leads to weight gain. There are a lot of apps you can use for free to track your current carb intake so you can find the specific area to focus on.

Maybe you eat 1 cup of brown rice at dinner, which is about 44 grams of carbohydrates. This is fine if there are no other carbs at that meal (which is unlikely). It may seem a little cumbersome to do this exercise at first but once you get into the routine, the weight will start to come off.

Set Goals! – Katy Malkin

Katy Malkin has an excellent tip for anybody with health.

Do you have clear goals with a timeframe?

It’s a game-changer that hardly anybody bothers to do! Once I got clear on what I wanted, printed it out, and held myself accountable, I was able to ACHIEVE!

I’m challenging you to write down:

  • How you feel right now in your body and mind (lethargic, uncomfortable, frazzled)
  • How do you want to feel? (Energised, body positive, good example to the kids, nourished)
  • A short term goal (make 3 salads next week, lose 4lb in the next fortnight).
  • Your ultimate goal (lose 3 stone, feel satisfied enough not to snack at night, get the whole family vegan).
  • WHY you want to achieve this in detail (I want to be able to run around the beach on holiday with the kids while wearing a bikini and feeling good, without feeling out of breath).

Now get it printed out and pin it somewhere you’ll see it every day. If you have a significant other, they can help you stay on track too!

Getting in more NEAT – Tim Liu

NEAT stands for ‘non-exercise activity thermogenesis’ or in English: the calories you burn when you’re not exercising. Generally, by doing things like walking around when watching TV or etcetera.

Here’s what Tim Liu has to say about it:

Getting in more NEAT – Even though you’ve been getting in your workouts consistently and also staying on top of your diet, you need to get in NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis).

If you’re training hard for an hour and not getting much movement during the other times of the day, you’re still considered sedentary. This is where NEAT comes into play.

It’s everything that we do during the day, from walking around our neighborhood, to cleaning our house and cooking. It accounts for over 50% of our calorie expenditure for the day, which is pretty important if you’re trying to lose fat.

I recommend getting in as much movement as you can during the day in order to maximize your NEAT and calorie burn, especially as you continue to get leaner through harder workouts while slowly lowering your calories.

Incorporate more daily walks into your routine, or anything else that forces you to move and you’ll be able to continue your fat loss.

Lifestyle Shift – Caleb Gray

Caleb Gray recommends a very great idea- thinking of this as a LIFESTYLE change and not just something you’ll do for a few weeks. Thinking things in the long term here will ALWAYS pay off better, let’s hear it.

Losing weight can be difficult! If you have started on this journey I first want to congratulate you for taking the courageous step.

But remember this one thought – You will remember what you finished, not what you started. This holds true with losing weight – its not about losing a quick 5kg, but it’s about staying at your ideal weight.

With that being said the number one tip I can give anyone hoping to lose weight is you need to make this a lifestyle shift. Instead of trying a completely different diet, start by modifying one meal at a time, and use foods you still enjoy but are healthier.

Start with modifying breakfast, instead of having sugar-loaded serials, change to whole grains with no sugar, and add some natural fruit if you need a little sweetener. Use this same formula for lunch and then dinner one meal at a time, and you will begin to see results over time.

My other bonus tip is that losing weight is only half about what you eat, the other half comes from keeping physically active. Make sure you are hitting 10 000 steps a day, and more where possible. This will help boost your metabolism.

I hope these thoughts are helpful to you!

Balance Foods, Eat A LARGE Volume of Food, and Journal!

Amy Roskelley has crucial tips for ANYONE trying to lose weight, let’s hear what she has to say!

You don’t have to feel deprived to be successful with weight loss! Three keys have helped me and my clients see results, without feeling hungry.

  • First, balance all the food groups at each meal. When you eat a balance of carbs, proteins, and fats, you’ll feel more satisfied and less likely to reach for a snack before your next meal.
  • Second, fill up with low-calorie, high-volume foods. Satiety is a mental state as well as a physical state of feeling full. When you reach fullness from low-calorie foods like vegetables, you will eat fewer calories.
  • And third, journal to find out why you are turning to food when you might not be hungry. This practice can help you reach for food out of hunger, rather than as a reaction to your emotions.

Get low-calorie recipe ideas and weight loss tips from Amy at Health Beet!

Lifestyle Change in a GOOD Way – Via Melissa

Via Melissa provided some excellent information talking about making lifestyle changes in a good way. She discusses how doing things like starving yourself only serve to ruin your progress and more.

My approach to weight loss is not only for immediate loss, but to make lifestyle adaptations that will have lasting results.

This is done through a combination of exercise and clean eating. Some of these adaptations include switching to all organic food, taking out processed foods, fried foods, and high sugar foods.

I also recommend taking out gluten and dairy as these are inflammatory ingredients; and you can obtain instant weight loss when switching to an anti-inflammatory diet.

As for the exercise side, I recommend working out at least 3 times a week for 30-60 min.

However, to truly see weight loss results, what you are eating is much more crucial than the fitness side of it.

The last tip I will suggest is to eat 3 meals a day.

Do not starve yourself or fast!

These methodologies (starving, etc.) can actually make the process of weight loss slower as they will slow down your metabolism and work against what you are trying to achieve.

Lastly, I highly recommend you work with a nutrition coach that can keep you accountable and guide you through the process.

Portioning – Lisa R Young

Lisa R Young, a PhD, RDN is author of Finally Full, Finally Slim, weight-loss and portion-size expert, and nutritionist in private practice shares a brilliant idea to help lose weight.

The most important thing you can do if you are trying to lose weight is to pay attention to your portion sizes. Here are simple tips:

WATCH YOUR FOOD PORTIONS. You don’t have to weigh and measure every morsel of food but you want to be aware of how much you are eating because bigger portions contain more calories. For example, when pouring cereal, many people pour 3 cups into a bowl instead of the recommended 1 cup. And, eat mindfully and pay attention to hunger levels.

PRE-PORTION YOUR SNACKS. Pre-portioning snacks in advance or having measuring cups handy works well too. For example, it’s really easy to eat an entire jar of nuts mindlessly. Portioning out a serving and storing it in baggies helps.


While everyone else is recommending special diets, meal plans, and workout schedules, the number one thing I recommend when it comes to weight-loss for any reason is to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

When you are trying to lose weight, the number one thing you must do is drink more water. Our body cannot do what it is designed to do when it’s dehydrated.

With a body that is made up of 60% water, those fancy foods and specialized workout programs will only take you so far without adequate water intake.

And dehydration could be what is keeping you at a plateau in your weight-loss journey. Our cells need water to help create energy for the body to function, not just in our workout but in life.

That brain fog, that fatigue, those sleepless nights, and the slow muscle recovery from your exercise session can all be attributed to lack of water intake.

Even just 2 hours of your body living in dehydration can cause a slew of health issues and, not to mention, stall your weight-loss goals before you start any weight-loss program or exercise routine drink up, water that is.

On average most people should be getting at least half their body weight in ounces of water per day (more precisely .6 x your body weight).

And if you are active, that needs to be more. My quick tip, drink 10 – 20 ounces of water first thing in the morning before doing anything else. Have that glass of water on your bedside table and the second your feet hit the floor, drink that H2O down. You will be amazed at how much better you feel and what a difference you see in the numbers on the scale.

Conclusion of The Round-Up

Hopefully, these 11 expert tips help you on your journey to lose weight. Please share this article with your friends and help them get shredded this summer, and thank our contributers by viewing their pages and reading more of what they’ve written!

2 thoughts on “11 Most Powerful Weight Loss Tips From Health Experts”

    • Hi Ms.Elena,

      Glad to see your comment! I hope you’re doing well.

      I recommend anybody reading this to reach out to Minuca Elena for an expert round-up here: http://www.minucaelena.com, she is basically the queen of round-up posts in the industry and she will definitely grow your site!

      Please have a great rest of your day,


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